Bloggus Interruptus
I haven't posted in nine months. The glib reason is that I have three-quarters of an acre of garden, a peri-menopausal metabolism requiring frequent exercise, twin almost three year olds, and a full-time job. The real reason is that I lost my nerve. I looked back at the posts just now and, while I'm never going to attract strangers and advertisers with my with and knack with a quirky story, the writing isn't all bad. I just don't know that I'm sold on the whole concept of the blog. When I teach writing to my college students, I tell them that their essays need to answer the "so what" question. If nobody but your mother would care, why mount an argument or a thesis. But there are millions of blogs out there and I think I am going to decide that the answer to "who cares" is that it doesn't matter. The three people including my husband and my best friend who might read this are less the point than the fact that I like to write and I feel good when I write. Enough reason for me.